Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Happy Valentine's Day!!

Well at least for another couple hours! I was too early for my doctor appointment today so we went to the beach for a few minutes. It was such a beautiful day.

I decided to wear something really special for V-Day. Alluring. Sexy. Seductive...
MrPea couldn't take his eyes off me-he likes the She-Unibomber look. I was so dern cold in the restaurant I had to cover my ears lest I freeze to death. We didn't do gifts--I'm not a "you didn't buy me a gift-you bastard!" kind of wife. I'm planning on buying some really ridiculously priced shoes in the next couple weeks anyway and tomorrow I'm making a pineapple-upside-down-cake. He'll eat the whole thing over the next few days by himself. The way to my husband's heart truly is with sugary foods. He never gains a pound either.

I don't really have anything new to add-there are some weird complications regarding my cancer follow-up but nothing to be scared about. I'm optimistic-just impatient. I feel a lot better after seeing my doc today-she's like a pit bull. I don't think I'll need another surgery-knock on freakin wood(I'm trying to stop swearing it's so bad)!
Anyway I hope everyone had a good day today. Thanks again you guys for all the good wishes!


super des said...

I wish I could go to the beach.

Anonymous said...

I sent the wife a teddy bear. It had the effect I wanted.

Nice beach.

dmmgmfm said...

I'm glad you have such a good doctor and that you are feeling better. Love the she-unibomber look.

heartinsanfrancisco said...

I'm new here and didn't know anything about your surgery. But I'm glad to see you looking so well (and adorable) and hope very much that you are truly well again.