Saturday, April 14, 2007

I've been busy

Just look at how blue that sky is and take a wild guess what I've been busy doing and why I haven't been blog visiting....

So far it looks like my husband survived this round of lay-offs. So we feel ok for now. I'll feel more secure in a couple months when it's all finished though.

I'm still trying to get rid of the remnants of that nasty flu we had but I feel so much better. If only it would rain and wash all the pollen away though....

Remember this guy?

The neighborhood groundskeeper told me that he's been safely relocated. I saw another one this morning. I only saw his head in the water and it was about the size of a beer bottle. Great.


Blondie said...

I'm VERY happy to hear that Mr. Pea survived the layoffs. But a beer bottle? Did it have offspring or is that an adult?

Unknown said...

How's your suntan doing? Happy for Mr. Pea. Hope Mr. Crock has likes his new home.

thethinker said...

I'd be scared out of my mind if that was anywhere near where I lived. It's one thing to see alligators on the Discovery Channel...

heartinsanfrancisco said...

You won't be going swimming anytime soon, right?

Hel said...

Wow, that sky is as bright as my smile of relief that mr pea did not get laid off.

Unknown said...

Glad to hear your hubs made it through the lay-offs.

The next time you see that lady with her kid feeding the alligators, you should show her a picture of what alligators and crocs can do.

A crocodile in Taiwan recently bit the hand off a zoo keeper and there's pictures all over the net. If that doesn't scare her, nothing will.

The problem with this idea, however, is you would have to look at the picture yourself. :(

dmmgmfm said...

I'm so glad hubster made it through the layoffs. Hopefully this will all be over for you soon and you can relax.

I agree with Courtney, show her a picture of what crocs can do (but shield it from yourself).