Tuesday, November 21, 2006

YAY!!!!!!!!!!(*warning-elated swearing*)

I got the news today from my body scan results and it appears that this girl This 4'11" 105pound person you see here looking all pitiful in the hospital bed(a couple hours after a 7 hour surgery) just 2 and a half months ago has apparently just KICKED CANCER'S ASS!!!!!!! The words to describe how I feel right now do not even exist. I will not get all sappy and weepy right now but I will say that this feels like a real Thanksgiving for me for the first time. But I have to gloat for just a few seconds more......because I don't want anyone to mistake me for someone who was/is brave and stoic about the whole thing---oh I cried, I curled up in the fetal position-physically AND mentally mind you, I was scared, I freaked out, I had a full fledged psychotic episode, I bitched, I moaned, I was uncooperative at times, I doubted everything, I was knocked on my ass but guess what! I beat the shit out of CANCER. Fuck you CANCER!! HAHAHAHAHA

I haven't been able to post anything lately because I've been on pins and f-ing needles you guys! I'll say again that I know thyroid cancer is not the big scary monster like breast or lung cancer or heart disease but it was big a scary monster for me and MR.PEA-and Peanut too. Never in my life did I think anything like that would ever happen to me. But you what else? Because of all this, now I know who I am. And now I can add to that-I am someone who kicked cancer's ass!!!(With the help of my doctors of course-wink)

PS By the way my beaupere is home and feeling better too.

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