Monday, December 14, 2009

I live on my secret beach now and I'm still in bliss so just get used to these posts for a while

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I didn't dare walk on the beach for Peanut's morning walk this morning. The fog was too thick and scary even for me. Usually I like a scary ScoobyDoo episode kind of fog. Today was the scariest I've ever seen and I wasn't in brave mood. But yesterday on my walk I came upon the biggest effin Portuguese Man O'War I've ever seen in my life. MrPea says he's seen and been stung by ones this big but it was a first for me so I took a pic. I used my foot as a size guide. I wear a 5 and a half and the thing was almost as big as my damn foot. I didn't touch it. Their stingers are still venomous even after it's dead.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

i got to wake up to this.....

Saturday, December 12, 2009

spent our first night in

spent our first night in our new place. we can hear the ocean from our window. took peanut for his morning walk on the beach.

Sunday, December 06, 2009

Just enough time for one quick Christmas memory post

When I was 5 years old we moved to Hawaii.(I mentioned this a million times but my high school English teacher always told us to write with the assumption that the reader just met you and has no clue about your history so here you go Mr.J) The church where we started going regularly had a Christmas party and every child under 12 received a toy. I'm guessing my mom must have signed up our names and ages because they had Santa Claus call out every one's names when it was their turn. Since I have an "A" name, I was one of the first ones called and I got to tell Santa that I was really good(which was probably a lie) and thanks for my toy. I opened my present and was pretty happy with the little yellow and white bear. Until Santa called my sister's name and she came back WITH A BARBIE. I then and there decided I HATED that yellow bear and I cried all the way home. I'm pretty sure my dad lectured me on being thankful for the gifts I'm given. Yeah, in one ear and out the other. In my defense I was 5, the youngest of four kids and used to getting hand me down toys so of course I was likely pouting about the fact that I was going to have to wait a long time for my sister to get sick of that beautiful Barbie in a pink ballgown. My parents must have either felt sorry for me or secretly agreed that what I got was LAME because that evening after dinner they went out and came home with a Malibu Barbie for me. I do have a memory of not really liking it at first because the one my sister got had cuter clothes and all mine had was a bathing suit. Until our other sister showed me the tan lines and told me this Barbie was more Hawaiian. I don't remember what became of the yellow bear. It probably ended up on that island of misfits in the Rudolph movie I still watch every year.

I'm still in the process of moving and have tons of really tedious and boring things to do but I haven't posted in a long time so I thought I would share a memory of how annoying I was as a little kid during Christmas.....I'll try to post more when this is all done.