Friday, November 23, 2007

Black #$&*!

Guess who won't be standing in line for hours and rummaging around with thousands of other pushy Holiday shoppers. When I was 18, I worked at the mall during the holiday season and it was enough to make me not want to step foot in any retail business during the months of November to February. I remember feeling shocked when my boss said, "OH gawd, Christmas...another Christmas...I hate the f-ing holiday season." About a week into November I was saying worse. People were fighting over things.....I mean, we sold bikinis and slutty jeans, what could they possibly be fighting over? People got bitchy because we only had one working register and the shoplifters were all filing in like a bunch of roaches. Up until then I thought only men did stuff like that, I was wrong. I caught so many people stealing, it's sad. One woman was actually hiding things in a stroller under her sleeping baby . Another had apparently taught her 7 year old daughter how to take off the security sensors and was using her to do it thinking we wouldn't suspect a little kid. Wanna know how I caught them? The little girl innocently told me what she was doing. My boss and I were threatened by a group of teenage girls who were shoplifting as a team(there's no I in team right?) and had to be escorted to our cars after closing for a month.(mall security policy)
It's not the thieves that turned me off from holiday shopping. It's the crowds and pushiness of it all. It's a cliche topic so I'm not going to try to add anything new to the mix....ya'll know what I'm talking about.

But my dilemma is, those sunglasses I've been pining over are on sale today.


thailandchani said...

In January, they'll be even cheaper. :)

Dan said...

Online! Online! It's the only way to shop. Now if I could only pull myself from these blogs! :)

Happy Thanksgiving (day after)!

Unknown said...

As of today, I will be hiding under the covers until it's all over. I can't stand pushy shoppers any other time of year, let alone during holiday season. :P

flutter said...

looks like hubby has a purchase to make for christmas....

Mariposa said...

I never go shopping on holidays...(ok, let's me realistic, I put so much effort to avoid this!)

I don't like the crowd...I'm not convinced of their "on sale promos" and etc...

super des said...

Send Husband to get the sunglasses for you.
Don't go near the crowds, but get the glasses.
Done and done.

Maurey Pierce said...

I, too, worked retail. My favorite people were the ones who would move items onto sale racks and claim I had to give them the price - yeah, that Lauren blazer is really $4.99, scammer.

Whiskeymarie said...

I don't think that I'll EVER miss working in retail.
The discounts, yes.
The job, no.