Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Tuesday Confessions: Vanity Smurf or a Heathen

I found a gray hair on my head this week. Actually it was white. Yeah. Not a "bleached by the sun and peroxide" strand. It was a white hair growing from my head. Ok. I'm a little confused that it was a white hair not a gray one. I thought they were supposed to be gray first and then white. Did my hair decide to skip the gray and go straight into white? I'm not freaking out over this, I'm just wondering, is it happening now? And since I'm already on the topic, I have a small bald spot just above my ear from when my doctor removed a big ugly mole. I'm not very happy about it but it could be worse. I also found an age spot on my lower cheek. I pretend like it's just a freckle but it's not.

Ok those are just silly confessions. I have two more. 1. I ate meat on Good Friday and 2. I did not attend church on Friday or Easter. Ok in my defense, I had to eat meat because I am anemic again. But the church thing I don't really have any excuse, the truth is I just didn't want to go. oops.

Your turn guys.


Mariposa said...

I also find some white hair strands in my head at times...they come and go...and not gray, white! ;)

Liver is good for anemia...try it!

Unknown said...

I think the hair turns white because the folicle stops making pigment. It starts to look gray when you get enough white hair to blend with the dark hair and create a gray affect.

As for church, I'm not much for it so I can't find any fault with you for staying away.

Mary said...

My daughter begged to go to church on Easter and we didn't. I'm terrible.

My hair is 30% gray. (White) I owe my soul to my stylist.

SUEB0B said...

I just gave up dyeing my hair. We'll see how long it is before I break down and do something about it.

flutter said...

call me when you find one in your short & curlies.

just sayin'

heartinsanfrancisco said...

The ones (plural) I have are also white, not gray. I think Seventh Sister is right about that.

I didn't go to church either. Of course, I'm not Catholic. Does that count?

As for Flutter's comment, nobody ever tells you THAT will happen. It's shocking, just shocking.

LittlePea said...


hele said...

Oi, I was just about to confess when I noticed Flutter beat me to it.

Whiskeymarie said...

My "grays" aren't gray at all, just white and coarse and wiry. I hate them. I dye my hair and they're white again in a few weeks.

Getting old sucks.

Miss Awesome said...

I haven't attended church in about 7 years. That's my confession.