Monday, December 10, 2007

Sick in the head...

I'm fighting off the tail end of a strange head cold. I've been stuck inside in my pajamas all day while the sun is shining and it's warm enough to keep our windows open. There's a fresh breeze from the sea. I wanted to do something outdoorsy so badly. I'm glad I rested today though because I do feel so much better. I have a couple memes I was supposed to do but I'm too lazy right now.

Tomorrow is my Peanut's birthday. He'll be 10.


flutter said...

amen for lazy.

Unknown said...

Ahhh, the pre-Christmas crud, always not so fun. Fortunately I haven't gotten it yet, but I can tell it's coming.

Mariposa said...

I just recovered from flu and my colds loves me so much and it had not left me yet, so I know what it's like to be stuck in bed/ room...hope you get so much better soon!

Unknown said...

You probably caught cold f rom standing the the snow. Hope you are better real soon. It sucks to be sick when the weather is so great.

thailandchani said...

Feel better! That "something" has been going around like wildfire here, too. (I don't have it.. but it seems nearly everyone I know does...)

hele said...

Give yourself a get better present from me and give peanut a birthday kiss from me*

anne said...

Love that phrase "stuck inside my pajamas"!

Happy birthday, cuteness that is Peanut.

Anonymous said...

Sorry that you're sick. If you get bored play this:

Happy Birthday to the pup.


Whiskeymarie said...

I hope you baked Peanut a cake so you can eat it, as per your Doctor's orders.

super des said...

happy bday Peanut!

Maurey Pierce said...

I hope you feel better soon ... take good care, drink tea, hug Peanut.